Notebook сomputers for latest “Enterprise for All” winners

Three students from Rostov State Economics University are the latest winners of Center- invest Bank's “Recommend a Friend” promotion for the “Enterprise for All” portal. The portal provides free online training in the basics of entrepreneurship. To date, 14,320 people have registered on the portal, and 4,270 people have already successfully finished the training course and received a certificate of completion.

To promote uptake of the course, participants are encouraged to invite their friends, colleagues or classmates to sign up. Center-invest Bank awards prizes to the participants who account for the highest number of new registrations. The latest winners, three students from Rostov State Economics University, together encouraged 150 of their friends to sign up for the course.

The three students have each won a notebook computer. Since the promotion was launched, 28 lucky winners have received notebooks or tablet computers from Center-invest Bank.

For user convenience, Center-invest Bank has launched an iOS app for the course. It is available through the App Store (search word “Enterprise for All”).

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